Episode 31: Susan Shewbridge - Remembering Singin’ Mama...Take God at His Word!

Golden Nuggets from Susan Shewbridge

  1. We can “hound heaven” for our healing!

  2. We can be open and expectant for miracles.

  3. Maximize our days and live everyday as if we are dying.

  4. “If the enemy can’t take our eternal soul, then he will try to snuff us out here on earth.”

  5. Use scripture in the daily battlefield! The Word is our weapon here on earth.

  6. Memorizing scripture (and hiding it in our hearts) will bear fruit later.

  7. While you are young, build your “walls of Truth”..pack it in…as time can be harder later.

  8. Do the hard surrender. “Lord you know!”

  9. Let nature and sunshine be a point for mental health and healing.

  10. Our time on earth is fleeting so we must make each day count.

  11. The Lord is ever present and always willing to give more of Himself.

  12. Nothing is impossible with God. Look for more than you could hope or imagine!

  13. What if we dared to believe God for the impossible?

  14. God doesn’t waste a thing!

To connect with Susan:


Susan's Music Page @FB

Listen to Susan on Reverbnation

The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee

Come hang out with us on Facebook at:www.facebook.com/groups/findingthehiddenjewels

-OR- connect with us on social media at:

Roxanne Parks



Karna Atkinson



For more information on working with Roxanne or Karna, visit us at:




*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Owen Atkinson


Episode 32: Cindy Conant - Face to Face with Jesus


Episode 30: Peggy Stewart - Bringing Joy to the Father