Episode 30: Peggy Stewart - Bringing Joy to the Father

Golden Nuggets from Peggy:

  1. We are the stewards of the mysteries of God….yet…while finding our deepest contentment in HIM ALONE!

  2. We must take up our cross daily!

  3. God is AT WORK in me and through me.

  4. In all things we must seek to enter into HIS REST as we can do nothing apart from HIM.

  5. Get in agreement with the WORD!

  6. Read the Word and ask for Him to enlighten you.

  7. He delights in bringing us understanding.

  8. When “we are at the end of ourselves” is the best time for illumination, revelation and learning…not mentally but spiritually.

  9. Our crushing and daily crucifixion brings us out of the “miry clay”.

  10. As you pray for someone, your heart for them grows by leaps and bounds.

  11. Our marriage relationships are FOR the body of Christ to see.

  12. We worshiped, worshiped and worshiped through the death of our vision…leaning not on our own understanding.

  13. He is at work within each of us to ultimately bring the UNITY He calls us into.

  14. Life is a process but we can rest in Him all along the way.

  15. Our assigned “Time” is His creation, His workshop and His womb for us to grow….the recreation of my Spirit. Even though the work is eternally complete, we must continue to be sanctified from our corruptible nature. The ultimate work is finished!!!!

  16. Heb 10:14 ..for by one sacrifice we are being perfected…a walking out …a working out…of the eternal truth…that was finished on the cross.

  17. I can bring JOY to my Father.

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Roxanne Parks



Karna Atkinson



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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Owen Atkinson


Episode 31: Susan Shewbridge - Remembering Singin’ Mama...Take God at His Word!


Episode 29: Karna and Roxanne - Develop the soul of your marriage