Episode 07: Dove Schmidt- Serving an excellent God
Golden Nuggets from Dove!
We need to be people of excellence because our God is a God of excellence!
People can blame others but at some point in time we all must simply be accountable for our own actions and choices.
Do everything “as unto the Lord!”
Use your time wisely as the days are fleeting!
ASK and you shall receive! KNOCK and you shall find…all your life!
She “worked like a man and shined like a woman.” (always had her makeup on!)
Your success/failures can be found hidden in your daily routine.
The WORD was her teacher, guide and best friend when she had no other good voices speaking into her life.
“Don’t go to the PHONE before you go to the THRONE!”
Enjoy whatever season you are living in.
God given goals will always glorify Him.
Put one foot in front of the other until God meets you.
Do not let your dream die within you!!!!
Don’t short change yourself. What you do matters and can be a life jacket for others.
Stand up and be who you were created to be. Live your best life!
Rise up for the whole world is waiting on you!
Links we mentioned with Dove Schmidt:
For more information about Crossroads Ranch:
Connect with Dove on Facebook here
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Roxanne Parks
Karna Atkinson
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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Owen Atkinson