Episode 25: Nita Parks - A Beautiful Legacy
Golden Nuggets from Nita:
Life can be difficult and you simply must roll up your sleeves and get to work on the HARD. (Her 4 brothers went to serve in WWII and she and her sister were relegated to running the family farm)
Grateful to be from a family of DEEP convictions. Do we have deep convictions?
God uses all things!….ie: the strong hands that came from milking cows helped her basketball career where she ended up with a college scholarship and the title of All American.
God use every difficulty to teach you something worthwhile.
Hard work helped her to pay her way through college.
Her family stressed education and the need to pay your way through life so that you would gain the most from it.
The poor behavior of professing Christians can make baby Christians stumble and withdraw from the faith.
Conversely, the behavior of Christians can open the eyes of others to believe in the faithfulness and presence of God.
Tithing BY FAITH is always rewarded. Tithe first. Pay bills afterwards.·
They practiced a “family altar” time every Sunday evening where the family read the word together and prayed together. Foundation of their family of faith.
Nita and her husband, Lee, always prayed together as a foundation of their lifelong marriage.
Christains need to set a good example.
Treat ALL people the same no matter what! Never discriminate.
Reach out to those in need. It is a beautiful Christian testimony.
When people change their hearts, they will change their choices!
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Karna Atkinson
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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Owen Atkinson