Episode 16: Starley Bullard - No Nonsense Wisdom


Golden Nuggets from Starley

  1. “Prepare your child for the road ahead, but don't prepare the road ahead for your child.”

  2. Develop a Philosophy of Education (like a mission statement for learning)

  3. Her life education philosophy for her children was to teach them to be DEPENDENT on God, INDEPENDENT from the parents and INTERDEPENDENT on the family/others.

  4. Do not be the referee for your kids! Teach them to “work things out!”

  5. When under stress (from life or homeschooling) …take DEEP breathe and get your kids outside to run around the house and wear some energy off while you cool down.

  6. Work on developing the attention spans of your children to allow them to focus.

  7. Challenge your kids to THINK when they say “I don’t know”

  8. Foolishness is rejection of authority and is different than simple childishness (acting like a child).

  9. The dinner table is the most powerful place and time to TEACH things to your kids.

  10. “The mother’s heart is the child’s classroom!” Your example teaches the loudest!

  11. Your heart is your MIND (thinker), WILL (chooser) and EMOTIONS (feeler).

  12. “What gets your attention …gets you!” be careful what you watch or listen to!

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Karna Atkinson



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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Owen Atkinson


Episode 17: Wendy Douglas - Grief and Hope


Episode 15: Valerie Bryant - Loss in Marriage and Restoration