Episode 20: Lyndsay Lambert- Go to the throne

Golden Nuggets from Lyndsay

  1. The curse of “expectations''....if you get what you expected, then you are not grateful. If you do not get what you expected, then you are disappointed. It is a lose-lose scenario.

  2. We must remember that God knows us, loves us and has a Sovereign plan for use even when we are amidst confusing and irritating things….especially when you cannot “fix others or issues”

  3. Difficult things draw us to God.

  4. We can choose, by faith, to give thanks because we know and trust that God is good, that He loves us and that He is Sovereign.

  5. We often consider circumstances as GOOD or BAD when a better definition would be HARD vs EASY.

  6. Rom 8:28 invites us to GIVE thanks even if we don’t FEEL thankful….as it is an act of the WILL and not our EMOTIONS.

  7. Emotions are not reliable. We often have to choose from our WILL.

  8. Remember to look back at the faithful hand of God. Hindsight can bring wisdom.

  9. “Who am I to think that I know better than God does?”

  10. Stop complaining…from our mouth or within our hearts…the antidote is to give thanks and remember the goodness of God.

  11. Remember to “go to the Throne before you go to the phone.”

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Roxanne Parks



Karna Atkinson



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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Owen Atkinson


Episode 21: Shirley Quine - He is enough


Episode 19: Susan Esco - Lean In