Episode 18: Judy Stringer - Surrender to Heal

Golden Nuggets from Judy Springer

  1. Raised in a church home but not a Chirstian home…and there is a difference.

  2. During challenging financial times she learned that God is truly our Provider.

  3. Very often our pain will lead us to our purpose.

  4. Young moms need connection with other young moms in the same season.

  5. It’s never too late….her dad came to know the Lord in his 70’s before he died.

  6. Fear and shame make us hide…especially when our identity is in being a good mom and we actually feel like a failure.

  7. The Lord didn’t call us to be successful, but He did call us to be faithful.

  8. Moms need to relax, give more grace, and not overreact!

  9. She learned greater compassion and greater surrender through confusing childrearing years.

  10. Surrender is the path to peace….”Lord I give everything and everyone to You!”

  11. Surrender brings healing.

  12. Unediting journaling can bring healing…even if you have to throw it away.

  13. We need to find our true identity in Christ and not in children, health, appearances, activities, our home or our finances.

  14. There is power in giving thanks for the good as well as the hard. Consider having a thanksgiving journal.

  15. God wants to take our burdens. Give them to Him. Consider a “God box.”

  16. Find your people. Don’t try to live alone. We need each other. Women need friends outside of their husband and their kids.

  17. You are greatly loved!

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Karna Atkinson



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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Owen Atkinson


Episode 19: Susan Esco - Lean In


Episode 17: Wendy Douglas - Grief and Hope